Citas bibligráficas
Andoa, D., (2018). Remoción de metales pesados como zinc (Zn), cadmio (Cd) y plomo (Pb) a través de humedal artificial de flujo sub-superficial para agua de consumo humano [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Andoa, D., Remoción de metales pesados como zinc (Zn), cadmio (Cd) y plomo (Pb) a través de humedal artificial de flujo sub-superficial para agua de consumo humano [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Remoción de metales pesados como zinc (Zn), cadmio (Cd) y plomo (Pb) a través de humedal artificial de flujo sub-superficial para agua de consumo humano",
author = "Andoa LLallico, Diego Rolando",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
The purpose of this research was to determine the efficacy of a Sub Surface Flow Artifical Wetland (HAFSS) with macrophytes as a plant medium for the purification of heavy metals (zinc, plumbum and cadmium) present in water for human consumption. An experimental method was used for which a HAFFS of glass material was constructed with reliable filter material (fine gravel) and totoras. The unit was subjected to a continuous supply of a mixture of solutions containing dissolved Zn, Pb and Cr stored from two tanks 80L. It was found that prolonged exposure of high concentrations of heavy metals causes necrosis in plants, rendering the unit unusable. In addition, at concentrations below 5 mg / L the plants manage to subsist and purify the water with an efficiency of 87.69%, 86.64% and 93.55% for zinc, cadmium and plumbum respectively. Also, it was verified that the temperature is a conditioning parameter of the reaction constant K, which was found by means of least squares. In the case of zinc, it was obtained that K20 was 1,866, for cadmium was 1,915 and for plumbum was 1,879. These being representative values. It can be averaged to obtain a unique value of K20 for metals equal to 1,889.
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