Bibliographic citations
Grimaldo, J., (2014). Remoción de sulfuro de hidrógeno utilizando un biofiltro percolador con media de arcilla expandida [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Grimaldo, J., Remoción de sulfuro de hidrógeno utilizando un biofiltro percolador con media de arcilla expandida [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2014.
title = "Remoción de sulfuro de hidrógeno utilizando un biofiltro percolador con media de arcilla expandida",
author = "Grimaldo Castillo, Javier Ahmet Esteban",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2014"
This thesis describes the experiments in a biotrickling filter with expanded clay media with the purpose to determinate the removal efficiency of H2S in the odorous gas from pump station CBD 326-2 in the Villa El Salvador district. During the study, it was verified that daily concentration of H2S in airflow to the biotrickling filter varied between 1.2 and 181 ppm due to frequent pumping of wastewater to the station. Despite this, the average concentration of H2S varied between 6.88 and 34.35 ppm. The experimental phase began with the start-up of the biotrickling filter, which operated with airflow of 381 m3.h-1, mass loading between 2.13 and 5.42 g.m-3.h-1 and empty bed contact time of 19.2 seconds. The stabilization of the process was achieved after 26 days when the average H2S concentration in the purified air was 0.027 ppm. In the second phase, biotrickling filter operated with airflows range of 448 and 862 m3.h-1 to modify the empty bed contact time and mass loading and determine the removal efficiency of H2S and Elimination capacity. The results indicated that in the operation of biotrickling filter with airflow between 572 and 662 m3.h-1, empty bed contact time of 11 and 12.8 seconds, mass loading between 2.28 and 10.41 g.m-3.h-1 was achieved a constant removal of H2S of 99.66% ± 0.18, independent of variation in the inlet concentration. In purified air, average concentration of H2S varied between 0.031 and 0.065 ppm and it was verified that operation of biotrickling filter resulted more stable with pH of 2.5 to 3.0. Finally, in the last phase of study, it was determined that the capital cost of biotrickling filter was USD 117 per m3.h-1 of waste gas to be treated, while the operation and maintenance cost was USD 0.658 per 1,000 m3 of purified air.
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