Citas bibligráficas
Bulnes, J., (2024). Necesidad de inscribir a Personas Jurídicas Creadas por Ley con una norma con rango de ley [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Bulnes, J., Necesidad de inscribir a Personas Jurídicas Creadas por Ley con una norma con rango de ley []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Necesidad de inscribir a Personas Jurídicas Creadas por Ley con una norma con rango de ley",
author = "Bulnes Lliuya, Justo Alexis",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
In our legal system, within legal persons, there are legal persons created by law, which are very little addressed in registry doctrine and jurisprudence. Due to the lack of depth on the subject, in 2005 two contradictory resolutions were issued, on the one hand, it was stated that for the creation of a legal entity created by law, a norm was required that did not necessarily have the force of law (Resolution 0100-2005-SUNARP-TR-L), while the other concluded that they can only be created by means of a law or a normal one with the force of law (Resolution 065-2005-SUNARP-TR-T). This generated a controversy that was not completely overcome in the XIII Registry Plenary. Due to this, I will analyze this legal figure from its nature, to the registration issues it covers. It seeks to warn the deficiencies of the precedent and of the norm in which it was included in the regulation, to visualize possible problems that the registration of legal persons with other norms that do not have the force of law would generate. It is there where we will appreciate the possible interpretations that can be given to the law where in primacy the rank and force of law that fall on the creation of a legal person created by law must be understood.
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