Bibliographic citations
Muñoz, E., Vega, K., Fernández, R., Necochea, C. (2023). Business consulting para la empresa DP World Logistics sede Callao [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Muñoz, E., Vega, K., Fernández, R., Necochea, C. Business consulting para la empresa DP World Logistics sede Callao []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Business consulting para la empresa DP World Logistics sede Callao",
author = "Necochea Velazco, Carmen Romina",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
In a volatility, uncertain, complex and ambitious (VUCA) environment like the current one, in which there is uncertainty due to the health, political and economic situation, the need arises to be efficient in the services provided by companies, so that it is possible to keep and improve the positioning of a company, offering more attractive value propositions to customers. Under this circumstance, an improvement project is proposed through a business consulting of the DP World Logistics company. The business diagnostic tool was used to identify the main problems and their causes; the impact of each one was weighed, with which solution alternatives were proposed and the focus was determined on the redesign of the process of the import merchandise deconsolidation service. The project focuses on increasing the operational efficiency of the import merchandise reception and dispatch processes. To achieve that, a methodology was established where (a) the project objectives are aligned with the company's competitive strategy, (b) a self- evaluation of the current process and its results is carried out, (c) the activities and resources, (d) the process is analyzed and redesigned, (e) the suggested changes are implemented and (f) the operational and financial results of the project are evaluated. The expected results of the implementation of the redesign of processes are focused on reducing the operational time of reception and dispatch time by 15%. This will be achieved progressively, through the simplification of processes and the daily monitoring of activities; therefore, achieving the provision of a service with competitive time, with zero errors and a high level of customer loyalty. Regarding to the recovery of the investment, an economic- financial analysis has been prepared based on the historical and projected data, considering that the benefit-cost ratio is 44.98, that is, for US $ 1 dollar invested, a profit of US $ 43.98 and the recovery of the investment is one month and 18 days, in the moderate scenario.
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