Citas bibligráficas
Berrospi, B., (2024). Creación de una Base de Datos para el Análisis, seguimiento y control de los procedimientos, plazos de atención y ampliaciones de plazos de la Dirección General de Minería [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Berrospi, B., Creación de una Base de Datos para el Análisis, seguimiento y control de los procedimientos, plazos de atención y ampliaciones de plazos de la Dirección General de Minería []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Creación de una Base de Datos para el Análisis, seguimiento y control de los procedimientos, plazos de atención y ampliaciones de plazos de la Dirección General de Minería",
author = "Berrospi Jorge, Bryan Rodrigo",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The research focuses on the issue of approval times for mining projects in Peru. Despite the government's efforts to promote investment in this industry, there is a widespread belief that the procedures for authorizing the start of mining projects take an average period of two to three years for approval. The primary aim of the research is to establish a database that collects updated information on mining projects for exploration, exploitation, and beneficiation. To accomplish this, it is essential to comprehend the procedures, gather the information, and analyze it. Furthermore, having this data allows for the readiness of reports for senior management, and thanks to the calculator, it is feasible to determine the expiration date of mining procedures, providing insight into the time remaining for each process to complete its evaluation. The method used involves a thorough review of the legislation to understand the procedures themselves and the stipulated deadlines for their evaluation. It also includes a detailed tracking of records in an Excel file, and the creation of the calculator to define the expiration date of procedures. The results indicate that approvals of projects through Administrative Silence decreased after the implementation of the tracking system. The creation of the database has also improved the speed of report generation and provides valuable information on the time required to evaluate projects, which can contribute to future improvements in process efficiency. In summary, this research addresses the issue of approval times for mining projects in Peru through the collection and analysis of data, leading to significant enhancements in the management and efficiency of these processes.
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