Citas bibligráficas
Huamán, N., Angeles, S. (2023). Características vocales y percepción de la voz de los colaboradores de la Municipalidad de Lurigancho al utilizar mascarilla de protección facial de tela en tiempos de COVID-19 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Huamán, N., Angeles, S. Características vocales y percepción de la voz de los colaboradores de la Municipalidad de Lurigancho al utilizar mascarilla de protección facial de tela en tiempos de COVID-19 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Características vocales y percepción de la voz de los colaboradores de la Municipalidad de Lurigancho al utilizar mascarilla de protección facial de tela en tiempos de COVID-19",
author = "Angeles Zamudio, Susana Milagros",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The purpose of this research is to identify the vocal characteristics and voice perception of the collaborators of the Municipality of Lurigancho - Chosica when using fabric face masks in times of COVID-19, in order to detect any difficulty in the voice and develop preventive programs. A nonexperimental design of descriptive type is used with 64 collaborators, where a questionnaire is validated, the PRAAT, the IDV and the protocol of Auditory Perceptive Analysis are used. As for the conclusions, there is no relationship between the collaborators' self-perception of voice and the perceptual-auditory analysis. Likewise, 72% present an adequate voice, the prevalent type of breathing is clavicular and the mode, nasal. Pneumophonoarticulatory incoordination is 22% and oral resonance prevails. The average Pitch predominates in both genders and the frequencies in males are on average 130 Hz without mask and 132 Hz with mask, with the difference of 2 Hz; and, in females with 203 Hz without mask and 204 Hz with mask, with 1 Hz of difference. The intensity in men is 71 dB without mask and 68 dB with mask; and in women it is 70 dB without mask and 67 dB with mask, with a difference of 3 dB in both. Seventeen percent of the evaluated collaborators do not perceive any symptomatology in their voice and according to the VDI, the functional one is more prevalent.
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