Bibliographic citations
Aliaga, J., Del, C. (2020). Factores que favorecen al cambio social a través de aprendizajes y desarrollo de habilidades blandas en alumnos de los docentes pertenecientes al programa Enseña Perú. Estudio de caso: dos escuelas, una en Cajamarca y otra del Callao entre los años 2013 al 2016 [Tesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Aliaga, J., Del, C. Factores que favorecen al cambio social a través de aprendizajes y desarrollo de habilidades blandas en alumnos de los docentes pertenecientes al programa Enseña Perú. Estudio de caso: dos escuelas, una en Cajamarca y otra del Callao entre los años 2013 al 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Factores que favorecen al cambio social a través de aprendizajes y desarrollo de habilidades blandas en alumnos de los docentes pertenecientes al programa Enseña Perú. Estudio de caso: dos escuelas, una en Cajamarca y otra del Callao entre los años 2013 al 2016",
author = "Del Pozo Vargas, Claudia Mercedes",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2020"
The challenge of better education in the country starts from the classroom: a motivated teacher can mobilize his students to empower themselves, value themselves and have future aspirations. Enseña Peru - a non-profit organization belonging to the global network Teach for all and discussed in this research– has been training teachers through pedagogical skills and leadership skills to work full-time in the most needy schools in the country, training and transforming their students, parents and the community. This research seeks to analyze the factors that have been favored by learning and the development of soft skills in students of professionals (teachers) trained and belonging to Enseña Peru in two schools of the country: one in the rural area of Cajamarca and another in the urban-marginal area of Callao. The perceptions of the benefiting population are collected and the internal workings of the Methodology of Enseña Peru are examined. In both schools (Cajamarca and Callao) teachers at Enseña Peru worked for two years, managed to improve children's learning rates, and, from measuring the development of leadership skills, achieved a noticeable increase in soft skills such as assertive communication, self-esteem, empowerment and empathy. This research is relevant to social management because programs like Enseña Peru allow education to fulfill an agent of systemic social change: first it transforms the lives of students for the benefit of the classroom and then for the benefit of the whole community, thus improving the quality of life. In addition, such initiatives can be a starting point for public policymaking, attended by the State, where the teaching intervention strategies of this program are worthy of replicating in other regions of the country.
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