Citas bibligráficas
Jiménez, F., (2018). La intención de compra y su relación con el comportamiento de compra on line del consumidor millennial de la ciudad de Trujillo referente a los servicios de salud [Tesis, Universidad Privada Del Norte].
Jiménez, F., La intención de compra y su relación con el comportamiento de compra on line del consumidor millennial de la ciudad de Trujillo referente a los servicios de salud [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Del Norte; 2018.
title = "La intención de compra y su relación con el comportamiento de compra on line del consumidor millennial de la ciudad de Trujillo referente a los servicios de salud",
author = "Jiménez Cúneo, Fiorella Veruska",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Del Norte",
year = "2018"
This research analyzes the relationship between the purchase intention and online shopping behavior of the millennial consumer of the city of Trujillo with reference to health services. It is a correlational type study and the survey technique was used to obtain data. The sample was obtained using simple random sampling and was composed of 240 people who were born between 1980 and the year 2000. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient was used for data analysis. With the obtained results, the hypothesis was accepted, finding a significant direct relationship between the purchase intention and the online purchase behavior; converting intention as the main predictor of online shopping behavior. The relationship between attitude, frequency of use of the Internet and social networks, and marketing mix with online shopping behavior of the millennial consumer with reference to health services was also analyzed, finding a direct relationship between all the variables. It was demonstrated that the attitude, the perception of the norm and the use of social networks become the main determinants of the purchase intention of a health service through the online channel. It was also shown that the price is more related to the online shopping behavior of a health service.
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