Citas bibligráficas
Figueroa, E., Geldres, E. (2008). La demora en las entregas a rendir cuenta, genera problemas que afectan a la empresa agroindustrial Talito S.A., de la ciudad de Tujillo, en el año 2007 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Figueroa, E., Geldres, E. La demora en las entregas a rendir cuenta, genera problemas que afectan a la empresa agroindustrial Talito S.A., de la ciudad de Tujillo, en el año 2007 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2008.
title = "La demora en las entregas a rendir cuenta, genera problemas que afectan a la empresa agroindustrial Talito S.A., de la ciudad de Tujillo, en el año 2007",
author = "Geldres Alva, Esther",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2008"
ABSTRACT The present work is oriented to the study of the influence that has the delay of the deliveries to render account and that generates problems that affect the Company Agroindustrial TALITO SA, of the city of Trujillo, in the year 2007”, being our universal sample the Company Agroindustrial “Talito SA”, using as investigation instruments questionnaires and work of field. The search is based on the present situation analysis of the process of deliveries to render, as it is the treatment that receives and the influence of this in the financial situation of the Company, with the purpose of improving and of fortifying the process by means of the formulation of one new one, in order that the Financial statements represent the countable information trustworthily. The used design of investigation was Descriptive the Simple one; of the analysis of the result it was inferred that the present process of the deliveries to render displays many weaknesses in the inherent control, as well as its negative influence in the financial situation of the company, which is apparent the need to create a new process to control the carried out payments as deliveries to render and therefore to guarantee the veracity of the information to use in the decision making.
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