Bibliographic citations
Polanco, I., (2016). Implementación de un sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud ocupacional del Consorcio RM & HZ Cuadratura Hualgayoc, para disminuir el número de incidentes y evitar retrasos en los procesos [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Polanco, I., Implementación de un sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud ocupacional del Consorcio RM & HZ Cuadratura Hualgayoc, para disminuir el número de incidentes y evitar retrasos en los procesos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Implementación de un sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud ocupacional del Consorcio RM & HZ Cuadratura Hualgayoc, para disminuir el número de incidentes y evitar retrasos en los procesos",
author = "Polanco Rivasplata, Ivette Magally",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT This thesis provides criteria and tools for the development and implementation of a management system in occupational safety and health in the area of construction to reduce the number of incidents and delays in the process, showing an example of implementing the Plan of work actual building. The thesis draws on the International Safety Management System and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health, the “Basic Standard Safety and Health Building Works“ R.S. 021-83, Peruvian technical standards of safety and health in the construction sector such as G.050 Technical Standard “Safety in Construction“ and “Regulations on Safety and Health at Work“ S.D. 009 - 2005 TR as amended, and all these standards are implemented in the RM & HZ Quadrature CONSORTIUM Hualgayoc. Chapter 1, involves an overview of research; such as the problematic reality of the company, the problem formulation, justification of work, limitations and research objectives. Chapter 2 focuses on the reference framework, ie; we talk about the background of this research; theoretical bases, which are the lifeblood of work. Chapter 3, hypothesis; here we find the hypothesis of the research and operationalization of variables, which evaluate the implementation process. Chapter 4, materials and methods, describes the type of research conducted, study material and information gathering techniques. Chapter 5, proposed application, which describes the application of research in the company; This chapter is divided into 3 sub chapters, the first talks about the company and a diagnosis of the current situation it is carried out. The second poses the design of the research proposal. The third, containing the design implementation with the results found. Chapter 6 Results and discussion; This chapter is responsible for the analysis of indicators and the benefits obtained through the improvement thereof. The implementation of this plan aims to meet the requirements of the above standards and have better control of security applied to the construction processes of SQUARE Hualgayoc project for the construction of civil works in the communities of mining influence with the in order to achieve a positive impact on business productivity CONSORTIUM RM & HZ and reduce their rates of incidents and occupational hazards. With the development of a Safety Management System and Occupational Health at CONSORTIUM RM & HZ it has managed to reduce the number of incidents. They have been able to take corrective measures to improve production processes and avoid accidents and penalties for noncompliance. After the implementation of the System Safety Management and Occupational Health at CONSORTIUM RM & HZ Productivity and Profits have increased as the IRR is 19%, the COK is 8.366% and TI is 1.51, ie for each Nuevo Sol we have invested a gain of 0.51 cents Nuevo Sol.
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