Bibliographic citations
Leon, J., (2020). Branding y posicionamiento de marca en los pacientes de un consultorio odontológico privado en el distrito de La Esperanza, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Leon, J., Branding y posicionamiento de marca en los pacientes de un consultorio odontológico privado en el distrito de La Esperanza, 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Branding y posicionamiento de marca en los pacientes de un consultorio odontológico privado en el distrito de La Esperanza, 2019",
author = "Leon Plasencia, Juan Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The objective of the present investigation was to determine the influence of branding on the brand positioning of the patients of a private dental office in the district of La Esperanza, 2019. The methodology describes an applied research, of non-experimental design, cross section; the reliability of the instruments to be used for the measurement of branding and positioning were performed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient analysis (0.963) and (0.968), respectively, which indicated that the instruments are very reliable. The distribution indicates that 54% of the population was female and 46% was male, the age range was 17 to 70 years. The results indicate that there is a significant influence of branding on brand positioning (p <0.005), both branding and positioning have a strong connection with the patient, 88% of surveyed patients perceive a very strong brand value, while that 82.4% have a very well positioned brand of private dental office. It is concluded that both branding and brand positioning are significantly related and that the dimensions of the branding influence the brand positioning (p <0.005) in all cases.
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