Bibliographic citations
Sánchez, D., (2018). Nivel de cumplimiento del biocomercio como modelo de negocio sostenible en la asociación de productores agrarios del caserío de Uranchacra - Ancash en el año 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Sánchez, D., Nivel de cumplimiento del biocomercio como modelo de negocio sostenible en la asociación de productores agrarios del caserío de Uranchacra - Ancash en el año 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Nivel de cumplimiento del biocomercio como modelo de negocio sostenible en la asociación de productores agrarios del caserío de Uranchacra - Ancash en el año 2018",
author = "Sánchez Bojórquez, Daniel Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
In this thesis the level of compliance of the Biocommerce in the Association of agrarian producers of the caserio of uranchacra in the district of Huari department of Ancash was known, in order to identify the points for improvement in the economic, social and environmental dimension, placed that the fulfillment of this sustainable business model (Biocomercio) is compatible with the development of the association that will help it to improve its export profile. The beginning of commitment between countries for sustainable development was given in the Rio de Janeiro Treaty of 1992, which mentions the need to reduce and eliminate unsustainable production and consumption patterns and promote appropriate demographic policies. Such is the case that in Peru this commitment is reflected in Legislative Resolution N ° 26181, whose objective was to preserve biological diversity and the realization of good practices in the use of natural resources and adequate financing. In 2004, before the consensus of the National Biocommerce Programs, the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), the definition of the Biocommerce that is a sustainable business model and is based on using the resources of biodiversity under criteria of economic, social and environmental sustainability. The growing demand for natural products in developed countries as well as a coherent legal base makes BioTrade a development tool for the farmers' association of the uranchacra farmhouse. Before this, it is important to measure the level of compliance of the BioTrade in the association. For this purpose, a checklist based on the principles and criteria of the BioTrade (P & C) was prepared. As a result of the application of the checklist, it could be seen that there is a medium compliance of the indicators of the BioTrade, in addition these results will help to identify those indicators that were not met so that the association can improve in the future. Finally, from the present investigation it is concluded that the improvement of the association of farmers happens to improve those indicators that have lower level of compliance and that will help directly to their growth, since international consumers have a greater acceptance for the products which are based on the sustainable use of environmental, social and economic resources.
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