Bibliographic citations
Escate, O., Layza, S. (2023). La Legitimidad para obrar pasiva del Estado en los procesos de prescripción adquisitiva [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Escate, O., Layza, S. La Legitimidad para obrar pasiva del Estado en los procesos de prescripción adquisitiva [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "La Legitimidad para obrar pasiva del Estado en los procesos de prescripción adquisitiva",
author = "Layza Jimenez, Steven",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This work includes Cassation No. 15054-2021 Amazonas on the acquisition of domain ownership., to address the passive participation of the State through the National Superintendence of State Assets as a public body in charge of: ordering, integrating and simplifying acquisition procedures, administration, disposition, registration and supervision of state assets at the level of the National, regional and local Government to achieve efficient management as mentioned in its art. 6 of its founding law, Law No. 29151, General Law of the National System of State Assets, taking into account its legitimacy to act in judicial processes of acquisition prescription. (Congreso de la República del Perú, 2019, p .2) In the development of our work we have resorted to different academic sources whose authors will be great masters of registration law such as doctor Gonzales Barrón, we also reinforce the research with national works by thesis students such as consulted source and an international source regarding the concept of legitimacy. It was decided to develop this work since the majority of property in Peru it doesn't have a formal property right, even Hernando of Soto in the Mystery of Capital points out that the percentage of that doesn't have a formal property right real estate in Peru reached more than 70% since its legal framework determines that all real estate that is not registered by a private person is the domain of the State (2000). In summary, our work aims to develop the legitimacy of the SBN (National Superintendence of National Assets) to act passively in the acquisition prescription processes.
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