Bibliographic citations
Alan, L., Huillca, C., Rodriguez, E., Tovar, A. (2022). Plan de negocio para ofrecer servicios de costura y sastre: Corte & Punto [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Alan, L., Huillca, C., Rodriguez, E., Tovar, A. Plan de negocio para ofrecer servicios de costura y sastre: Corte & Punto [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Plan de negocio para ofrecer servicios de costura y sastre: Corte & Punto",
author = "Tovar Ortiz, Andrea Silvana",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
The present research project of a mobile app design for people who request sewing and tailoring services indicates the feasibility of its execution according to the investigations carried out during the work. This allowed us to find that after an analysis of current affairs, many of these people presented barriers in the search for personnel of the aforementioned services. Likewise, the people who provided sewing and tailoring services have been harmed by the pandemic as demand in the market decreases, so it was decided to create an app that helps both parties in an efficient, simple, and direct way. This is how this venture called Corte & Punto was born. The business idea is an intermediary application that connects users who request sewing and tailoring services with those who offer them, which will allow the user to have various alternatives to satisfy their needs according to their requirements. To start up this project, a market analysis was carried out and operational plans were developed that contain important and necessary strategies to guarantee its viability.
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