Citas bibligráficas
Chauca, J., (2016). Diseño de una red convergente de comunicaciones de voz y datos para la empresa agroindustrial avocado packing company S.A. - sede Chao [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Chauca, J., Diseño de una red convergente de comunicaciones de voz y datos para la empresa agroindustrial avocado packing company S.A. - sede Chao [Tesis]. : Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2016.
title = "Diseño de una red convergente de comunicaciones de voz y datos para la empresa agroindustrial avocado packing company S.A. - sede Chao",
author = "Chauca Azabache, Juan Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2016"
This research documents the methodological procedure for designing a converged voice and data network for the agribusiness company Avocado Packing Company S.A. located in Chao, meeting the requirements and needs of current and future communication processes and production and administrative operations of the plant. The Work was divided into four phases, in the first fase the requirements and needs of the company was determined, for which it is, we proceeded to collect cite previous work, specialty books and the Internet to develop the theoretical framework in which is founded this research project were organized: meetings with the staff responsible for the areas of information Technology and Engineering and Maintenance Company to determine services and requirements necessary for the proper functioning of each of its processes. In the second phase, the analysis for the design of red was made, para wave, analyzed all data collected from such us: requirements, types of Internet access, network topologies, network traffic and Media Data & having a definition of best design for red convergent. In the third phase, the type of Internet access was determined, the network topology and the media in the Access Layer and Transport and the logical design of the network, taking into consideration the deployment of All Services to implement and number of points red. In the fourth phase the estimation of Possible Investment Required equipment was made, considering the characteristics of red, the Technical Specifications and Quantities of active equipment and materials needed for the Implementation of the red convergent. The results according to the proposed objectives, as well as analysis and discussion are also documents and conclusions and recommendations of the work are presented.
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