Citas bibligráficas
Calderon, J., (2016). Marco de desarrollo de aplicaciones hipermedia para preventas de departamentos en proyectos del Grupo Algol Ingenieros Contratistas y Constructores S.A.C. el año 2015 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Calderon, J., Marco de desarrollo de aplicaciones hipermedia para preventas de departamentos en proyectos del Grupo Algol Ingenieros Contratistas y Constructores S.A.C. el año 2015 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2016.
title = "Marco de desarrollo de aplicaciones hipermedia para preventas de departamentos en proyectos del Grupo Algol Ingenieros Contratistas y Constructores S.A.C. el año 2015",
author = "Calderon Sedano, Jose Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2016"
Trujillo due to the population and housing needs and considering that part of one of the three regional cities that currently have more than 500,000 inhabitants according to figures collected by CAPECO and considering that there is a 52% leasing housing . Taking livelihood these figures and considering that now potential customers rather than seeing an advertisement in local newspapers yellow pages, magazines and turn to digital media like the Internet to seek advice to acquire a housing project either from their personal computers, tablets or devices mobile, leading to the construction companies of Trujillo become more competitive, as in the case of Algol Group Engineers Contractors and Builders SAC where it is required that the development of hypermedia applications of construction projects that are performed each year may be put into production in less time, in that sense, our problem is How to shorten development time and improve the indexing of hypermedia applications for pre-projects department in Algol Group Engineers Contractors and Builders SAC ?. Therefore this research proposes a framework for development of hypermedia applications to reduce development time and improve the indexing of websites that support pre-sales departments in projects Algol Group Engineers Contractors and Builders S.A.C .; identifying and comparing the most relevant of the main methodologies for the development of hypermedia applications features, then it proposed a Framework hypermedia development has the following phases: process model, conceptual model, model designs, metadata model, model implementation and test model. For the implementation model PHP and XML was used, and RDFa for structured information on the Internet, then the time indicator is evaluated, achieving reduced by 50% in the design phase and implementation and indexing of the website improved 37% thereby serves as a support to implement the framework of hypermedia development projects Algol Group Engineers Contractors and Builders SAC
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