Citas bibligráficas
Lujan, E., Medina, C. (2017). Implementación de una red informática hospitalaria, usando metodología Top Down Network Design: para el Hospital Chancay y servicios básicos de salud [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Lujan, E., Medina, C. Implementación de una red informática hospitalaria, usando metodología Top Down Network Design: para el Hospital Chancay y servicios básicos de salud [Tesis]. : Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2017.
title = "Implementación de una red informática hospitalaria, usando metodología Top Down Network Design: para el Hospital Chancay y servicios básicos de salud",
author = "Medina Osorio, Cesar Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2017"
The information today flows horizontally in each and every one of the organizations whose importance is relevant in decision-making in the health sector is a prerequisite for human development status and an essential means of achieving individual wellbeing and collective. To be in the public interest to protect the health of the population, the State through the Ministry of Health, Regional Health, Hospitals and Medical Centers, has a responsibility to regulate, monitor it and promote it, from this perspective the information flowing in these institutions it is of vital importance, where the Computer Hospital Network in Chancay Hospital and basic health services, plays a vital role as sharing information and resources among all users of the same, therefore it is imperative the need for a Hospital Information Network that guarantees fluidity of real, efficient, adequate and secure. This thesis project consists in the ““IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTER NETWORK HOSPITAL USING TOP-DOWN METHODOLOGY NETWORK DESIGN; CHANCAY FOR HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES BASIC ““, allowing you to have a modern hospital computer network, automated technologically, in order to expedite the transfer of information (voice, data, text, images) between its units and work areas for the benefit of end users who are patients. For the development of this thesis project it was taken into account first the state in which is the computer network of Chancay Hospital and basic health services, analyzing and identifying problems by actually coming through Hospital Chancay and basic health services, in terms of transmission of information between the various units and areas. Following the development of the thesis, we mention the theoretical foundation, guide allowing us to determine the requirements for the implementation of a hospital computer network, using methodology Top-Down Network Design, to have a quick, appropriate, adequate, efficient and safe transmission of information, making rapid exchange of information between the various units and areas of Chancay Hospital and basic health services. We completed this thesis project defining technology components for the Design and Implementation of Computer Hospital Network, using methodology Top-Down Network Design; for Chancay Hospital and basic health services; whose platform for Computer Network Administration Hospital is Windows Server 2012.
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