Citas bibligráficas
Rodríguez, G., (2014). Efecto de la sustitución de harina de trigo por una proporción de la mezcla harina de cáscara de papa : harina de papa (solanum tuberosum pps) sobre el color, textura, fibra y aceptabilidad general en galletas dulces. [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Rodríguez, G., Efecto de la sustitución de harina de trigo por una proporción de la mezcla harina de cáscara de papa : harina de papa (solanum tuberosum pps) sobre el color, textura, fibra y aceptabilidad general en galletas dulces. [Tesis]. : Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2014.
title = "Efecto de la sustitución de harina de trigo por una proporción de la mezcla harina de cáscara de papa : harina de papa (solanum tuberosum pps) sobre el color, textura, fibra y aceptabilidad general en galletas dulces.",
author = "Rodríguez Espinoza, Gracia del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2014"
The effect of flour substitution (15, 25 and 35%) by a potato peel flour : potato flour (Solanum tuberosum pps) ratio (30:70 , 50:50 and 7:30); on the color, texture, fiber and general acceptance on cookies, was studied. The results achieved in terms of color showed that increases on potato peel flour rises cookie’s brown color. In terms of texture, the sample S2P1 was chosen as the best, because it was the weakest with the lowest breaking point. In terms of raw fiber, the data values were very disperse, so the sensory acceptance was used to choose the best sample. In regards of the general sensory acceptance test, the cookies were evaluated by 30 untrained panelists, using a nine point hedonic scale. The Friedman test was used and it showed that the nine cookie formulas were significant different. The cookie with most acceptance was S1P1, (15% substitution, 30:70 Potato peel flour:potato flour) Later it was used the Wilcoxon test, and it showed that the treatment S2P1 (25% substitution, 30:70 potato peel flour:potato flour) was statistically the same as S1P1. This was the reason why S2P1 was chosen as the best treatment, and because it had a higher potato peel percent than S1P1.
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