Bibliographic citations
Salaverry, A., (2023). Razón linfocito/proteína C reactiva disminuida como factor pronóstico de mortalidad en pacientes con neumonía por SARS-CoV-2 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Salaverry, A., Razón linfocito/proteína C reactiva disminuida como factor pronóstico de mortalidad en pacientes con neumonía por SARS-CoV-2 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2023.
title = "Razón linfocito/proteína C reactiva disminuida como factor pronóstico de mortalidad en pacientes con neumonía por SARS-CoV-2",
author = "Salaverry Enriquez, Ana Paula",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2023"
Aim: To determine that the decreased lymphocyte/C-reactive protein (L/CRP) ratio was a prognostic factor for mortality in patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia at the Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital. Material and methods: The present study had an analytical, observational, retrospective and longitudinal cohort design carried out in 93 patients with SARS CoV-2 pneumonia. The frequency distribution data of qualitative variables and the measures of centralization and dispersion of quantitative variables were obtained. In addition, the Chi Square (X2) test was used, therefore, the associations were considered significant if the p value was less than 0.05. Finally, among the qualitative variables, the relative risk of the L/CRP ratio with respect to the risk of mortality in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia was calculated. Afterwards, the multivariate analysis was carried out with logistic regression for the intervening variables that were significant in the bivariate analysis. Results: Of the 93 patients included in the study, it was possible to show that 41 died (44.1%), and of these patients, 53.7% were less than or equal to 60 years of age and 78% were male. Added to this, it was found that age over 60 years, normal lymphocyte count and decreased values of the L/CRP Index proved to be a risk factor for mortality in patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Conclusions: The decreased L/CRP ratio was a prognostic factor for mortality in patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia at the Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital.
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