Bibliographic citations
Moina, M., (2014). Efecto de dos dilutores y dos métodos de congelación sobre la viabilidad de espermatozoides epididimarios de alpaca (Vicugna pacos) obtenidos post-mortem [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Moina, M., Efecto de dos dilutores y dos métodos de congelación sobre la viabilidad de espermatozoides epididimarios de alpaca (Vicugna pacos) obtenidos post-mortem [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2014.
title = "Efecto de dos dilutores y dos métodos de congelación sobre la viabilidad de espermatozoides epididimarios de alpaca (Vicugna pacos) obtenidos post-mortem",
author = "Moina Gonzales, Milagros Raquel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2014"
This present study was carried at the National University of Huancavelica located 3660 m above sea level and located in the south-central part of the country in the months of May to July. The main objective was to evaJuate the effect of two semen extenders and two methods of freezing on the viability of epididymal alpaca sperm. Nineteen pairs of testicles from male alpacas over 3 years old and fed with natural grass were used to obtain sperm from the epididymis through shredding technique , eacb sarnple was diluted and cooled with Tris-yolk-glycerol or Bioxcell ® and frozen by a slow freezing - straws method and a freezing fast- pellets metbod. Viability was assessed using the motility percentage, percentage of live spermatozoa and percentage of the integrity of the sperm membrane parameters after obtaining tbe epididyma] sperm and post-tbawing. Tbere wasn't a significant difference between the interaction of extenders type factors and the method of freezing on the viability of epididymal sperrn. We found individual effects of factors on the parameters analyzed . In relation to the extender used we found that most percentage motility and percentage of live sperm post-thaw were higher using Bioxcell ® (33.34% and 38%) compared to Tris-yolk-glycerol (24.53% and 32.02%). Similarly, tbere were significant differences (P <0.05) on freezing methods in the percentage rnotility parameters and percentage of live sperrn among tbe methods of quick-freezing pellets (36.18% and 39.65%) and tbe slow-freezing method as straws (21.68% 30.38%). In conclusion, the research allows to indicate that according to the parameters of viability post-thawing, using Bioxcell ® extender and freezing as pellets are a good altemative for cryopreservation of epididymal sperm.
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