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Arzapalo Bello, Rubén Darío (es_PE)
Marcos Silva, Britney Darlene (es_PE)
Saenz Tinoco, Daniel Gerardo (es_PE)
Flores Vargas, Angie Kiara (es_PE)
Arzapalo Bello, Ruben Dario
Chamorro Quijano, Sario Angel
Marcos, B., Saenz, D., Flores, A., Arzapalo, R. y Chamorro, S. (2024). Simulation of the SLP Methodology to Improve the Productivity of the Peruvian Textile Sector. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Industrial, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú. (es_PE)
The Systematic Layout Panning Methodology (SLP) is the most used for its capacity of an optimized design in the work areas towards the delay of the productive process. This research develops and evaluates a plant design model for micro and small companies in the Peruvian textile sector, allowing the redesign of work areas to obtain a higher production. The model was made by obtaining the required measures of each area and timing the production time that takes each product, using the three phases of the SLP methodology, then it was simulated in FlexSim software. The answer provided in the investigation, comparing how many garments are produced with the previous plant design and with the new process using the SLP methodology, shows that there is a significant improvement in productivity of 12% additional at the time of the simulation, the time was reduced from 23.5 minutes to 21.11 minutes, and production increased from 146 to 162 sweaters per employee showing that the SLP methodology improves productivity and reduces distribution problems in the plant. (es_PE)
application/pdf (es_PE)
9 páginas (es_PE)
eng (es_PE)
Universidad Continental (es_PE)
https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3587889.3587910 (es_PE)
info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess (es_PE)
Universidad Continental (es_PE)
Repositorio Institucional - Continental (es_PE)
Ingeniería industrial (es_PE)
Simulación (es_PE)
Simulation of the SLP Methodology to Improve the Productivity of the Peruvian Textile Sector (es_PE)
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis (es_PE)
Universidad Continental. Facultad de Ingeniería (es_PE)
Ingeniería Industrial (es_PE)
Ingeniero Industrial (es_PE)
PE (es_PE)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04 (es_PE)
Pregrado presencial regular (es_PE)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/level#tituloProfesional (es_PE)
https://orcid.org/0009-0005-1022-4774 (es_PE)
722026 (es_PE)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/type#tesis (es_PE)
Privada societaria
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion (es_PE)

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