Bibliographic citations
Huahuasoncco, D., (2020). Liderazgo y gestión administrativa de los directivos de las instituciones educativas públicas dentro del ámbito de la Unidad Ejecutora 315 de Anta - Cusco, 2019 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Huahuasoncco, D., Liderazgo y gestión administrativa de los directivos de las instituciones educativas públicas dentro del ámbito de la Unidad Ejecutora 315 de Anta - Cusco, 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2020.
title = "Liderazgo y gestión administrativa de los directivos de las instituciones educativas públicas dentro del ámbito de la Unidad Ejecutora 315 de Anta - Cusco, 2019",
author = "Huahuasoncco Ponce, Dionidas",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2020"
This research work has been carried out on an objective of determining the relationship that exists between the Leadership and administrative management of the managers of public educational institutions within the scope of the Executing Unit 315 of Anta – Cusco - 2019. The approach was quantitative, with theoretical - deductive method, with a type of treatise according to its basic purpose, its level was correlational and its temporality was transversal; a non-experimental design was used, as the characteristics of the variables studied were identified and described to present changes in problematic reality. The data collection techniques were the surveys applied to teachers of the primary and secondary levels primary and secondary the district of Chinchaypujio within the scope of the Executing Unit No. 315 of Anta; therefore, the population has been chosen among three educational institutions "San Antonio Abad de Chinchaypujio; I.E. No. 50140 of Parccotica and I.E. de Paucarccoto; the sample is of an intentional non-probabilistic type so the entire population of 50 teachers from public educational institutions has been taken. The result of the research showed that there is a positive correlation of 0.805, which concludes and that there is a relationship between management leadership and administrative management in the First and Secondary Educational Institutions in the Chinchaypujio district of the jurisdiction of the Executing Authority 315 of Anta, in the year 2019.
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