Bibliographic citations
Canepa, H., Farro, E. (2023). Percepciones sobre actividades lúdicas y habilidades motrices finas en niños-niñas del nivel inicial en la IEP 128-Niño Jesús de Praga. Callao- 2022. [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Canepa, H., Farro, E. Percepciones sobre actividades lúdicas y habilidades motrices finas en niños-niñas del nivel inicial en la IEP 128-Niño Jesús de Praga. Callao- 2022. []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2023.
title = "Percepciones sobre actividades lúdicas y habilidades motrices finas en niños-niñas del nivel inicial en la IEP 128-Niño Jesús de Praga. Callao- 2022.",
author = "Farro Diaz, Ester",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research work is to analyze the perceptions of parents and teachers about recreational activities in improving fine motor skills of visual-manual coordination, facial and gestural motor skills in boys and girls at the initial level of IEP 128 “Niño Jesús de Praga” from Ventanilla, in Callao in the year 2022. The methodology: it is an action research design study, descriptive correlational and mixed approach; whose sample was 26 participants (12 infants, 12 mothers and 02 teachers), triangulation of sources was carried out. The results show that; fine motor skills are in a fair situational state (78.44%); with achievements in visual-manual coordination (71.74%) and 28.26% in process. Achievements in facial coordination (91.6%) and 8.3% in process. Achievements in gestural coordination (71.62%) and 28.38% in process. The types of recreational games are at a good level of knowledge (96.43%); of which 92.74% develop motor play activities, 97.6% symbolic play activities and 98.96% construction play activities. Regarding perceptions; 80% of teachers and parents express expectant behaviors in motor, symbolic and construction recreational activities. As with visual-manual coordination, facial and gestural motor skills as well (86%). And also with recreational activities and fine motor skills (83%). It is concluded that the perception of parents and teachers about recreational activities in improving fine motor skills of visual-manual coordination, facial and gestural motor skills in boys and girls at the initial level are indifferent, great work for the area of physical education and sports.
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