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Title: Sensibilidad antimicrobiana en cepas de Salmonella sp. de importancia en salud pública
Advisor(s): Samamé Beltrán, Hugo Aldo
Issue Date: 2016
Institution: Universidad Ricardo Palma
Abstract: Se determinó la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de 95 cepas de Salmonella sp aisladas a partir de muestras remitidas al laboratorio de microbiología pertenecientes al Laboratorio Bioservice, ante 18 antimicrobianos durante el periodo de diciembre 2012 a noviembre del 2014. La prueba de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana determinó que el 93.7% mostraron resistencia a Sulfametoxazol, el 82.1% a Eritromicina, el 71.6% a Sulfametoxazol/Trimetropim, el 50.5% a Ácido Nalidíxico y Furazolidona, el 37.9% a Ampicilina y Tetraciclina, 31.6% a Kanamicina, el 28.4%% a Gentamicina, 25.3% a Cloranfenicol, 20% a Ceftriaxona, 12.6% a Colistina y Fosfomicina, 7.4% a Amikacina y Cefoxitina, 6.3% a Amoxicilina/Ácido clavulánico, 4.2% Ciprofloxacina y 2.1% a Estreptomicina. Demostrando que una mayor resistencia ante la familia de las Sulfanilamidas, siendo las cepas de Salmonellas Enteritidis (93.55%) y Salmonella Infantis (100%), las que presentaran mayor resistencia ante Sulfametoxazol. Cabe resaltar que, las Salmonella Typhimurium (82.35%) y Salmonella sp (94.44%), obtuvieron mayor resistencia a la combinación Sulfametoxazol y trimetroprim.The antimicrobial susceptibility of 95 strains of Salmonella sp, isolated from samples submitted to the laboratory of microbiology belonging to the Bio- service Laboratory, against 18 antimicrobials during the period from December 2012 to November 2014, was determined. The antimicrobial susceptibility test determined that 93.7% showed resistance To Sulfamethoxazole, 82.1% to Erythromycin, 71.6% to Sulfamethoxazole / Trimetropim, 50.5% to Nalidixic Acid and Furazolidone, 37.9% to Ampicillin and Tetracycline, 31.6% to Kanamycin, 28.4% to Gentamicin, 25.3% to Chloramphenicol, 20% to Ceftriaxone, 12.6% to Colistin and Fosfomycin, 7.4% to Amikacin and Cefoxitin, 6.3% to Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid, 4.2% to Ciprofloxacin and 2.1% to Streptomycin. Showing a greater resistance to the Sulfanilamide’s family, considering the strains of Salmonella Enteritidis (93.55%) and Salmonella Infantis (100%) the ones which were more resistant to Sulfamethoxazole. It should be noted that Salmonella Typhimurium (82.35%) and Salmonella sp (94.44%), obtained greater resistance to the combination of Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.
Discipline: Medicina Veterinaria
Grade or title: Para optar el grado de Licenciado en Medicina Veterinaria
Register date: 31-May-2017; 31-May-2017

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